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tv   ABC7 News 1100PM Repeat  ABC  October 22, 2012 2:00am-3:00am PDT

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tonight they held a scheduled fundraiser. thomas roman has more.
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>> workers are boarding up the doors of the church on 9th street. deacon alan ekstrom who was here finds it hard to look at the damage. >> very grim. i walked over -- i live around the corner, and i walked over here and the phone was still all over the -- the foam was all over the ground and it was pretty surreal. >> the fire started in the 134-year-old landmark church at 10:15. they quickly went to two alarms. there was no one in the church at the time. some articles were salvaged, but most were charred or come ploat ledee stroyed. sunday is a new day, and an auction was held in spite of the tragedy. >> a fundraiser was happening today anyway, so i think it will help. >> items donated by neighbors and paw rish they ares make -- parishioners made up the auction. it also gets they will together to heal. >> good shepherd is a dedicated congregation. we are small, but there is a
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lot of people who care an awful lot about this church, and we will find a way to rebuild and recover. >> it has been a place of worship for 130 years. while it is being repaired, parishioners will hold services at the pear rish hall next door -- parish hall meks door. >> the church has been around for years and we will just keep moving on. this church is 134 years old. it will be standing another 134. >> thomas row n ma, abc7 news. a suspicious package forced a partial closure of union square tonight. just before 7:30, someone reported seeing the package in a parking garage. police closed two streets on either side of the garage. a member of the bomb squad went into the garage and rendered the package okay. the san mateo bridge will be open. look at it right now. the bridge will be open at 5:00 tomorrow morning. cal trans guarantees that. and it will not be closed next
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weekend. that's because of the fast work by contractors. the bridge clo be closed next weekend as well, but the contractors did two weekends of work in one. >> always want contingency plans. the contractor is making great progress and we were confident we could continue. >> cal trans got a lot of busy work done, stuff you do around the house. they are repairing scenes and cutting weeds and replacing lights on the bridge. the funds for the $3 million project came from toll funds. still to come, a crime lab under scrutiny and dan noyes is here with an abc7 news i team investigation. >> get this, drop a cigarette butt by a park bench and you end up in a database. it happened. >> and we are learning more about the deadly shooting at a wisconsin spa, and the shooter's connection to the business. deta
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crucial tool in solving serious crimes. but how reliable is the national database holding thousands of dna profiles? dan noyes has the results of a new audit that is crit kl of the santa clara -- critical of the can tau clara county crime lap. >> the database is only as good as the information loaded local crime labs like the one in santa clara county. a new audit shows in gnaw sent people had their dna information entered into the system and meant for criminal
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suspects. this is where santa clara crime analysts work on dna evidence with hopes of serving crimes. once they created a dna profile they loaded it into a system. >> the purpose is to try to identify the perpetrators of crime. >> but not all profiles are supposed to be up loaded. >> it has to be relevant to the crime, or at least you have to feel it is relevant to the crime and also that it is from the perpetrator. >> here is the problem. a u.s. department of justice audit found the crime lab has shared dna profiles it should not have shared. they looked at 100dna profiles the lab up loaded, and as a result of the audit, 44 profiles had to be removed from the national database. what the final report calls a large number of inappropriate profiles, and we believe the
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laboratory may have additional ineligible profiles. >> before 2006 we concede that we entered a lot of profiles that we should not. >> the crime lab director told us before 2006, the fbi didn't give dna labs proper guidance on what should and should not be up loaded into the database. but a third of the lab's mistakes occurred after 2006. >> the problem is that the guidelines of the fbi gave us even in 20 have are 6 are not completely foolproof. they are open to some interpretation. >> take for example a dna profile lifted from a cigarette butt found in a park across the street from a homicide. investigators thought the suspect could have smoked there. >> can we prove that happened? no, of course not. but can we argue that the cigarette was from the perpetrator? i think we can. >> but in a park though where anyone could have walked and smoked a cigarette hours before. >> well, that's absolutely true. but again this is a murder
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investigation. we are trying to develop an investigative lead. >> the lab had to take down a profile because there was no evidence that they smoked a cigarette in the park. auditors found a case where a man wore a wig while committing a rob bray. they found a woman's dna on the wig and up loaded her profile to the database even though they were looking for a male robber. turns out the wig had been shown to a jury in the case, and the dna profile could belong to one of them. >> with that type of error you run the database and get a hit and you say oh this woman was connected to the crime in someway and maybe the police showed up at her door is asking her and all she did was show up for jury duty. >> he is with the american civil liberties union. it shows cracks in the dna database that could lead to bigger problems. >> the types of mistakes this audit uncovered are the types of mistakes that may mean somebody who is per -- perfectly innocent could be connected to a crime of the arrest, incarceration and even
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conviction of a crime they had nothing to do with. >> fitch says that is not going to happen. police would investigate to determine if the dna is linked to a crime. but the police associating you with a crime is too much. >> it is a valid concern, however i do be weighed has to be weighed against the desire in saw tie -- society to develop the cou that could potentially result in a very serious crime. >> they are working together to make sure only dna profiles from the real suspects are loaded into the national database. for its part, the aclu plans to you the audit's findings. they are trying to overturn the law in which anyone arrested for a felony must give a dna sample. this is not over yet, terry. >> thanks very much. we turn our attention to the big story of the night, the weather. how it will play into your commute and into the giants' game tomorrow.
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here is leigh glaser. >> hopefully -- well, we will probably see a few sprinkles and maybe a light shower for game seven tomorrow. but you can see an active live doppler 7hd behind me. we warned you of this. we knew it was on the way. boy, this is just the first batch of moisture. a heavier rain will move in just in time for the heavier commute. heading up toward sonoma and we will take new closer and petaluma getting hit with a moderate rain. it is all the way up toward sonoma. these cells are moving from south to northeast right now. and we are even seeing some moderate rain toward tiburon and golden gate bridge right here. they are getting hit with weave pavement. it is exsteppedding toward emeryville and oakland and even the east bay, concord, walnut creek and pittsburgh and oakley right now seeing some enhanced radar returns. the yellows indicating some moderate rain. and down toward mountain view, san jose and campbell, most is veer -- verga which means it
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is not reaching the ground just yet. as it moves in you will see the rain here shortly. we will take you up toward the north coast because this is the cold front. this is a section of the precipitation that will swing south and bring us quite a bit of rainfall for that monday morning commute. temperatures in the 50s as these -- as this moisture feed continues to move in across the bay area. the rain will arrive overnight tonight obviously. rain and wind for the monday morning commute and more showers will be with us as we head into wednesday. right here, this is a branch of energy that kailey disconnected from the cold front. this is what is moving in now. this is the actual back edge of the cold front, and this is what will sweep in for monday morning. 11:00, and you can see our forecast pretty much spot on. you can see the rain at 11:00 tonight as we work our way through the 5:00, 6:00, 7:00
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time frame. this is where the front starts to slide south. by 9:00 a.m., we are still in quite a bit of rainfall. we will get a little bit of a break. 2:00, throw:00, 4:00, and a few more scattered showers will rotate in. that's why we are thinking we will keep a chance -- or some scattered showers in the forecast for game seven tomorrow night. and then by 10:00 another batch of showers will rotate in. it will linger in through 5:00 a.m. on tuesday. and then after that we will start to dry things out. wednesday we may get some more showers in here as well. heading to the sierras, carry the change. winter storm warnings and a foot of snow expected along the sierra. possibly even more. really the big thing is going to be the very gusty winds out of the west up to 40 plus miles per hour. lows in the 50s as that wave of moisture continues to move on in. highs for your monday in the mid60s inland with maybe a little sun break action. and then 50s around san francisco and san mateo.
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we will look for 58 for santa cruz. don't forget the heaviest part of the storm system will be tomorrow morning during the morning commute. you are gonna need to tune into mike niko. he will be here at 4:30 until 7:00 on the abc7 morning news. he will try and navigate your way through live doppler 7hd. we have more showers tuesday morning and a break tuesday afternoon and then more showers on wednesday. the storm door may be open for awhile. >> leigh th thanks a lot. shu is here now with, guess what, giants. >> you are not raining on their parade. giants force a game seven in the nlcs behind vogelsong who also contributed at the plate. giants 6-1 win over the cardinals and we will go to
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the giants will be playing for their second national league pen -- pennant in three years.
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winner going to the world series to face detroit. he pitched the game of his life in this game six. they were not uptight pre game as you can see. they are one confident bunch. vogelsong came out like a flame thrower. that set the tone and the giants leading 1-0 into the second. he fakes the bunt and smacks one to short. belt scores on the error and 2-0 giants. still f -- still in the fourth and sends one to left. crawford and vogelsong both score. a nice cushion. next batter and pablo sandoval singles to center. the giants now with a 5-0 cushion. vogelsong then turned it into high gear. allowing one run, four hits, one walk 1k3 a career -- and a career high five k's. they have won five straight games this post season when facing elimination. all right, let's go live to at&t park where rick quan has
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the reaction from the clubhouse. rick, it is now a one-game series. who is this year's team of destiny? >> really, it is going to be a great game tomorrow. you mentioned the giants are 5 and 0 when facing elimination. the cardinals going back to last season are 6 and 0 when facing a must win situation. so something has to give tomorrow. as for tonight's contest, ryan vogelsong was the star. you know, j ago he years ago he was pitching in japan. thousand he has become the ace of the giants' rotation during the post season with his third straight strong performance. >> very proud to know that guy and very proud to put on the sale jersey as that man. we needed that today. he got it going from the beginning and set the tempo early. he was coming out hard. establishing the ball. >> he has had a long journey and great story. it is something you can't explain, you can't describe. but it is one of the happiest feelings i have ever had.
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>> you know, the rain is already starting to come down out here at at&t park. if there is a game seven tomorrow, it will be a rematch of game three. matt cain versus carl loche. the cardinals won that game after a long rain delay, and so let's hope that doesn't happen again. back to you, mike. >> we have another winner in the bay area as the raiders k the jaguars jaguars in overtime. it wasn't pretty, but they will take an ugly
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well, the raiders can be one of the most frustrating teams to follow in the nfl. they are a work in progress and they took another step in their improvement with an overtime win over the jags. pink, silver and black, breast cancer awareness in the nfl. maurice jones drew injured his foot. it is aired out to short. 42 yards and 7-0 jags. jennings increases the lead. jags lead 17-6 at the half.
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palmer to moore and he does the rest. palmer 26 of 46 and 298 yards. oakland down seven and four minutes to go. palmer to the end zone and heyward-bey interfered with. raiders claw back to tie it at 23. we head to over time. jaguars go the it first. he finds short to -- and lamar houston knock itself loose. jacksonville 21 and then he lines up a 40 yarder, and it is good. the raiders come from behind to win it 26-23 to improve to 2 and 4. this abc7 sports report is brought to you by river rock casino. stick around. >> thanks very much. still to come, the preparations are underway for the last presidential debate. what the candidates are doing to get ready. and hotel rooms are at risk for thieves. the one thing that could put you and your security in danger. and rain in the forecast, but just how do we know what is ahead?
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why live doppler 7hd is the fastest, most powerful
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let's take a live look outside, and you can probably look at that picture. the rain we are talking about is moving on in. it is going to get heavier. leigh glaser tracking the storm, and she will be back in a few minutes with that forecast. i am terry mcsweeney in for ama dates. a huge fight between the san jose earthquake fans and the los angeles galaxy had police calling for reinforcements. it happened at half time during the game in santa clara. galaxy fans threw punches and set off smoke bombs. police in vallejo killed a at his that his roommate'sa
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stomach. the two broke windows in rine renne tall cows and several cars in the front yard and then set the house on fire. the bridge will be open at 5:00 a.m. as promised. that's what cal trans is telling us. contractors finished two weeks of work in one. that means the bridge is not going to be closed next weekend as was previously announced. new developments in the deadly mass shooting. police revealed a restraining order against the gunman was issued three days ago. authorities believe the shooter may have used a flammable liquid to fuel a fire in the spa in brookfield, wisconsin. >> police say the 45-year-old stepped into a luxury spa on sunday morning and began shooting. >> we heard a loud shriek. >> the assault terrorized the wisconsin community. >> i saw a girl coming out from the salon. she was bleeding in the neck. >> they locked down a hospital, country club and tried to rescue as many as
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possible. it was too late for some. >> victims are seven in number. four were transported for emergency care. three were located in the salon deceased. >> hours later police found the shooter behind a locked door in the spa. >> with the one suspect we believe is responsible for the shootings today is deceased. we believe it to be a self-inflicted gunshot wound. >> they say he slashed his wife's tires two weeks ago. he slapped a four-year restraining order against him. spa employees were warned to be on the lookout. police are not saying whether his wife, a spa employee is among those killed. his father said the couple had a 13-year-old daughter. this was the second mass shooting this year. a 40 erld yew white supremacist gunned down weeks ago. >> all women are still in the
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hospital tonight, but they are expected to survive. abc news. your voice, your vote. tonight the candidates are preparing before going head to head in boca raton, florida. this time mitt romney and president obama will battle it out over foreign policy. the undecided voter from the town hall debate is looking forward to the final showdown. interested in am veryn ivan's capabilities. a lot of the focus is on domestic policy, but we have had debates about that. i am curious to see what new discussions arise. >> the third and final debate is tomorrow night, lynn university, boca raton, florida. it starts at 6:00 and you can watch it live here on abc7. tomorrow is the deadline to register to vote in next month's presidential
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election. the election will decide the presidential race as well as many federal, state and local races. voters can submit their information on-line provided their signature is already on file with the department of motor vehicles. funeral services will be held on friday in south dakota for a liberal icon and former presidential candidate. the man of conscience and conviction, the governor died earlier today at the age of 90. he ran against richen nixon in in -- richard nixon in 1972 and lost every state except massachusetts. he was the tiers to oppose the war this vietnam. hotel chains have a new high-tech safety problems on their hands tonight. the electronic locks are easily being picked by thieves with a very chief -- cheap device. now this abc news investigation. >> just blocks from time square, tourists are there for a safe night's sleep. but when abc news checked in, we discovered a major security
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hole. the electronic lock on guest rooms can open without a key. >> i am going insert this marker in the bottom of the door and the door will open up. >> you are in my room with your hands on ipad. >> he showed us just how easy it is to break in with a device that costs just $50 to build. >> i can go down the entire hallway and unlock every door. >> and it also worked at the nearby holiday inn express where once again no key, no problem. hackers first exposed the problem earlier this summer posting videos like this one on youtube using more primitive gadgets. now it can be used with magic markers and other devices. big name hotels bought millions of the faulty locks from a company called onity. jay millions would be at risk every day until this problem is fixed. >> they said the company is, woulding with its customers to
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deploy solutions. no one seems to have warned the manager at this hilton garden inn. >> i am not aware of it. >> you never heard of it? >> after we showed him the video. >> i will be happy to bring it to his attention. this is a security problem. >> before we could follow-up he was whisked away. >> what will you do about this? >> that's mark green blat reporting. the best way to avoid crimes is to use the deadbolt or chain on your door and make sure the door closes completely when you exit. still to come on abc7 news at 11:00, an out of this world discovery in novato. what one homeowner claims is a meteor right from the light show. and what is the deal behind doppler? what is behind our forecast with live doppler 7hd. 7hd isand live doppler all lit up. check this out.
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golden gate bridge and it will be slow going for the morning commute.
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nasa scientists have recovered the chunk of the meteor streaking across the bay area sky on wednesday night. and let's look at it right now. that's it. the smashing dark gray rock hit the roof in novato and bounced a couple times. the homeowner says she heard a loud thud that night.
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>> i was siting in the kitchen and i heard a bum, bum, bum like something hit the roof. i thought. i have no overhanging trees. >> it is for which we have a trajectory in the atmosphere for video and the graphic observations. >> scientists with the institute in mountain view says the meteor right is in pristine shape. they hope to learn more about the planet where it came from, what happened to it and how it ended up here. always a good question. let's check in with leigh right now and see what is going on. we know the rain has been coming down and parts of be bay area will be coming down heavier. we have a baseball game tomorrow, leigh. >> absolutely. you can see live doppler 7hd right now, we actually have two moisture fields. this one here -- this is actually where the cold front is. this batch here will move in here around 4:00 tomorrow morning. very a very wet, veryng to windy monday morning commute.
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let me take you in closer to the bay area. you can see some of the oranges and also the reds are mainly north of the golden gate bridge. it is in novato heading up toward american canyon. fairfield is getting moderate rain. and check out petaluma. it is moving over toward napa. it is lifting on out, and we may get a little break once this batch moves on through. that's before the cold front moves in, and that will be like i said tomorrow morning. here is a look at travel destinations for you if you are heading across the state. get ready for snow in the high country. way have the winter storm warning for the tahoe area above the 6500 foot level. sacramento will be wet tomorrow and windy. big sur will see the rain late in the day. l.a. tomorrow, 72 with some sunshine there. here is a look at my accu-weather seven-day forecast. we'll go with rain tomorrow morning for your morning
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commute, and then we will taper it off a little bit just in time for game seven tomorrow afternoon. i still think there may be a stray shower that rolls in at game time. and then tuesday morning a few showers on tuesday afternoon and we will go into partial clearing and more showers for wednesday. and then after that we will warm things up and see some sunshine. >> a lot of people including myself wonder how does she do it? how does she get all of that information about the forecast? abc7 news meteorologist mike niko explains why live doppler 7hd is the fastest, most powerful tracking system in the bay area. >> abc7 news has the strongest, fastest, most powerful storl tracking system in -- storm tracking system. you can see our exclusive live doppler 7hd high above the napa valley. this location puts it in a position to track those powerful, cold, alaska storms as they sweep down upon us from the north.
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we can see an approaching storm even before the national weather service. their doppler, 100 miles to the south in the santa cruz mountains. together we have the bay area covered. >> when it rains, abc news knows who will be impacted first. live doppler 7hd is so powerful it can scan hundreds of miles in seconds and pick up even a trace of precipitation in your neighborhood. the national weather service makes a winter weather prediction in late november. but the bay area usually sees significant rain in october. the climate prediction center already says this year's winter weather forecast will be tough because of el nino. it warms at least a half a degree above normal in a three-month period for a given year. the warmer the water, the more moisture in the air. forecasters were predicting a weak i will -- weak el nino. the last was the driest ever recorded. as live doppler 7hd tracks down the rain in the bay area, we you how to show you how it
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turns into snow in the sierra. the tahoe ski resorts are hoping for more snow than they got last year. most had to make snow just to keep the skiers coming. when severe weather threatens your neighborhood, live doppler 7hd is your best source on air, on-line and on your mobile device. >> we have active weather just as predicted. >> reporter: the bay area's most experienced weather team uses the power of live doppler 7hd to keep you safe. >> i will see you tomorrow from 4:30 to 7:00 a.m. with the latest. >> so that's how you do it. why didn't you tell us? >> shu take it away. giants time. let's party. >> it is not going to rain on their paradement could the 20s 12 -- parade. could the 2012 season get more exciting? vogelsong pitches ç?x?xçpcs6
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well, the giants will be playing for their second national league pennant in three years. they will face the cardinals in game seven of the nlcs with the winner going to the world series to days vogelsong
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pitching the game of his life. look at these giants before the game. yes, they are nervous. vogelsong came out throwing fire. this is the first inning and it set the tone. their lead 1-0 in the second. a fake bunt and vogelsong smacked it to first. 2-0 giants. still in the fourth and scutero sends one to left off carpenter. giants on top 4-0. exin up, the panda singles to center and it brings scutero home. he then turned it on allowing one run, four hits and a career high 9k's. they forced a game seven and won five straight games when facing elimination. >> we had to fight hard to be in this position. as good as it is to win these
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two games, it is not done yet. we have to come out and play hard tomorrow. >> obviously i have never been on this stage before. it is a great experience for me, and i am hoping we can keep it going. >> going to be exciting. the raiders are a work in process. it is tough to do that in the regular season. jacksonville in town and both 1 and 4 and both need a victory of the adding a little pink and this is of course breast cancer awareness month in the nfl. he took it to the air and found cecil short. jennings makes it 14-3 and it looks too easy, right? raiders score a touchdown. he finds moore and he will do the rest. he's in there. oakland trailed 20-13. fourth and 10 and palmer airs it out. heyward-bey is interfered with. ball on the one yard line and carson takes it himself. they claw back to tie it at 23
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and we head to over time. jaguars get it first. he takes that ball away. raiders recover and a 40-yard field goal and raiders come from behind to win it. they improve to 2 and 4. rain or shine we bring you the plays of the day. we start off in buffalo. chris johnson had a monster day. 195 yards and this one for 89 yards. it is 35-34. drew bros and 377 -- drew brees and the saints win their second in a row. check out joe morgan. he flips the defender. and they get smoked by houston. baltimore had only 176 yards. check out the concentration
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texas wins it. andrew luck gave them their third win of the yore. two rushing touchdowns for the former cardinal. 17-13. the final play goes to eli manning and victor cruise. a 77-yard touchdown and a 27-23 win over the skins. ely's only td pass of the day. giants improve to 5 and 2 on the season. all right, let's switch gears. the pitch and the galaxy. it is a 2-1 lead. he crosses and he knocks it home. his second of the game and he has the second in the mls this season. 2-2 final. and wnba finals, indiana and minnesota in the best of five. indiana up in the fourth. she drives the hoop and lay itself in. lead the fever with 25 points. a minute later and ices it
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with the three. indiana wins the first wnba championship with an 87-78 victory. this abc7 sports report brought to you by river rock casino. game 7 at 5:07 first pitch. that's weather permitting. do you think it will rain? >> it won't be a rainout, but there will be sprinkles sprinkles and a light shower. >> it could be a long night with rain delays perhaps. >> no rain delays, i don't think so. >> if there is. who cares? it is a game seven and a chance to go to the world series jie. and they will win. >> that's the forecast i was looking for. >> they are gonna win. that's it for this edition of abc news. next newscast tomorrow morning at 4:30. thanks for joining us.
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